Should you care about geographic diversification?
A real estate pitch deck is critical....but there are some red flags to look out for
Cash is king, but does chasing yield lead to the wrong assets?
Who wins from a returns perspective in real estate investing: local operators or national operators? This episode dives into the nuances of this question, highlighting that it's not merely about local versus national but rather the size of the investment fund. Ultimately, the size of the fund plays a crucial role in determining how selective an operator can be, guiding investors to consider both local and national players based on their fund size for better investment choices.Links referenced in this episode:scholasticcapital.comCompanies mentioned in this episode: Scholastic Capital
Effective communication and transparency are crucial for real estate funds, especially regarding the relationship between general partners (GPs) and limited partners (LPs). The episode highlights the need for GPs to be well-prepared and organized in their reporting processes, ultimately fostering a stronger connection with their investors. This method not only facilitates regular updates but also ensures that GPs are consistently reviewing their performance metrics.Links referenced in this episode:scholasticcapital.comCompanies mentioned in this episode: Scholastic Capital